Friday, December 24, 2010

Pray for Running Water...

Before I left, someone asked me if I was more excited to see Bethel or going to Africa.  From my reaction, I believed the answer was going to Africa.  However, I was wrong.  I am happily amazed that two people, who probably have very little in common, can talk non-stop from the time they get up to well into the wee hours of the morning.

We didn't make it to the market yesterday.  Bethel's car needed a new battery.  The mechanic showed up at 11 am and then took her car.  Finally, her husband called a driver to come drive his car (he has a stick and she is too afraid to drive it).  The markets close at dusk because there are not enough light to keep it open.  We went to several different supermarkets because Gerson, Bethel's husband, received the equivalent of $125 in free groceries.  Let me tell you, that $125 does not buy much groceries in Togo.  The supermarket was very expensive.  It makes sense that everyone makes everything from stratch.

However, we quickly stopped by the market to pick up some vegetables.  Like Peru, they had slabs of meat for sale.  Flies were all over the meat and I got food poisoning just looking at it.  It so incredibly poor that I don't like taking pictures of it because I feel compassion about their poverty.

Bethel is looking for a maid to help her in the house.  I asked her how much she pays for one.  She said she pays 18,000 CFA (482CFA/$1) or $37.  I asked if she paid that per day, she told me that was per month.  I gasped.  After going to the grocery store, my gasp got bigger.  Gerson said that you have to pay help a minimum of $60 per month.  They have 24 hour security guard and someone to come do the laundry (hopefully he is coming today).

The construction on the house is slow coming.  Gerson went balistic on the plumber yesterday.  He wanted me to have running water so I could take a shower in the new house.  After a year, it's still not here.  He has been promised that we will have it today, but I won't hold my breath.

The electricity went out last night for a while.  I guess I was right when I put on my "out of office" that I wouldn't have access to running water or electricity.

Merry Christmas Eve, it doesn't quite seem like it here.

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